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The Tears of Joy The Tears of Joy There was a broken vase. The broken vase wanted to contain flowers in it. but it was not able to do so because of its brokenness. There was an ugly and hard stone. The ugly stone wanted to cover the broken part of the vase, but it was not able to do so because of its hardness. There was a crazy glue. It was a trouble maker everywhere it went because of its crazy stickiness. One ..
The Super Moon The Super Moon This moon is the biggest full moon in last 28 years. How many years do I have to wait to see like this again? My life will be no more after I see it again few more times. Life is really short when it is compared with the infinite and endless universe. How can we make our life not to be meaningless, but significant? It seems that there is no way other than following the calling of ..
I Dream The Flying I Dream The Flying. To the bird, the sky is the space of free and the flying is a natural part of its daily life. I dream to have the freedom, like the bird has in the sky, in my life space which God gave me. The bird was born with the wings but flying would be never easy from first time. Maybe there were a lot of struggling and practices. Dreaming the day that I live nicely as a christian, I wi..
연합 구역 모임 - 8월30일 Bayonne Park 참 즐거운 시간이었다. 맛나는 것도 많이 먹고... 늦게 까지 남아 있던 사람들(대부분 Bayonne식구들)이랑 멋진 노을까지 구경하고... 준비하느라 많이 수고한 구역장들과 구역식구들에게 감사드린다.
처음으로 Rutgers에... 처음으로 Rutgers에 다녀오다. 2009.8.27.(목) 언어공부를 위해서 1년 정도 Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey에 다니게 될 예정이다. 본격적인 공부는 다음 주부터 시작이 된다. 늦깎이 공부라 걱정도 많이 되지만... 하나님의 선한 인도하심을 기대한다.
전교인가족수련회 뉴저지제일한인교회 전교인가족수련회 2009.8.23.(주일) ~ 25일(화), Pinebrook Bible Conference Center (Pennsylvania) 1. 전체 집회 - 첫째날 저녁, 마태복음 22:34-40 "온 율법과 선자자의 강령" 2. Youth Group 집회 - "The Passion for the Great Purpose" 1) 첫째날 저녁 - 사도 바울(행9: )과 선지자 이사야(사 6:)의 소명과 사명 2) 둘째날 저녁 - 애굽의 총리 요셉의 소명과 사명(창 45:)
미국행 비행기에 몸을 싣다. 미국행 비행기에 몸을 싣다. 2009.8.3.(월) 온길은 | 부산 -김해 - 김포 - 인천 - Sicago - Newark - Bayonne 교회는 | 뉴저지제일한인교회(담임: 김두식 목사) 학교는 | Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey 연락처는 왼쪽 위 공지사항을 참조하세요.